// 512x384 text scheme file // DEFAULT BUTTON TEXT SchemeName = "Primary Button Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 12 FgColor = "159 95 47 255" BgColor = "0 0 0 141" FgColorArmed = "255 255 255 255" BgColorArmed = "159 95 47 67" // COMMAND MENU TEXT SchemeName = "CommandMenu Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 12 FgColor = "159 95 47 255" BgColor = "0 0 0 141" FgColorArmed = "255 255 255 255" BgColorArmed = "159 95 47 67" // SCOREBOARD TEXT SchemeName = "Scoreboard Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 10 FontWeight = 0 // SCOREBOARD TITLE TEXT (team names, team scores) SchemeName = "Scoreboard Title Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 20 FontWeight = 700 // SCOREBOARD TITLE TEXT (team names, team scores) SchemeName = "Scoreboard Title Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 16 FontWeight = 700 // SCOREBOARD SMALL TEXT (headers, player #) SchemeName = "Scoreboard Small Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 8 FontWeight = 0 // CLASSDESC, MAPDESC, MOTD text windows SchemeName = "Briefing Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 13 FontWeight = 0 FgColor = "159 95 47 255" // Team info text (list of players, etc) // fgColor is automatically set to the teams color SchemeName = "Team Info Text" FontName = "Arial" FontSize = 13 FontWeight = 0